Wednesday, May 10, 2017

17-05-10 Day 32

Farmington,  MO to Murphysboro,  IL

As a result of our recent appeal for gifts to the Cheryl Kay Foundation, we have had two gifts totaling $100.00. THANKS to Dave and Chris B. and Diane B.! This amount, combined with additional gifts since our last up-date on 4/22, from Terry A., Vicki K., and Pat M. totaling $175.00, brings our NEW TOTAL to $1,475.00! This is awesome but we are still short of our goal of $2.00/mile. Currently we are at;

 2,111         miles to date bicycling
 4,222.00    target goal @ $2.00/mile
 1,475.00    current gifted amount
 2,747.00    needed amount of gifts to meet our goal

So, in an effort to raise the stakes a bit and get the gifts flowing, Randy has agreed to have his head shaved if we meet our goal. That's right, shaved bald. So let's get the gifts rolling in and get the clippers humming. Please challenge your friends, family, and co-workers to give a gift today!

Beautiful view this am as we entered the Mississippi 
Basin area.  Everything opened to this wide expanse at 
10 am, approximately 2 hours into the ride.

Met some other cyclists today on the road heading 
West, Joe and Marcie. Joe is headed on the Trans America
Trail to Oregon. Marcie was joining Joe for a few days.
Good luck to Joe on his travels to the West coast.

Excited to cross into Illinois today.  
Another state under our tires and in our mirrors. 

Interesting that the City of Chester is the home
of Popeye.

The bridge that brought us over the 
Mississippi River, just opened to traffic
again today.  Luck us!

Met another rider today heading west bound.
Mack Bailey, a retired fire chief from
Tennessee.  His goal is meeting his sister
in Seattle. Good luck to him in his travels.

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