Monday, May 8, 2017

17-05-07 Day 29

Marshfield, MO to Summersville, MO

Blogging a day behind - we did not have access to Internet or WiFi last evening at our final destination.  Summersville, MO which provided one hotel, Rose's Green Roof Inn, with a total of 10 rooms at $50 for two people, cash only. 🙄  We were given lucky number 7, Rose left the key and instructions.  We left $50 in the envelope.  Met our needs for the evening 👌. Extremely limited dining and breakfast options.

Our accommodations for the evening.
We were surprised to meet two cyclists on our route yesterday who are riding cthe Trans America Trail to Oregon.  They have been on the road for 21 days, started in Virginia. Great to chat with them, we were concerned about road closures that we may encounter due to the flooding that occurred a week prior and were able to share our Trans knowledge with them.  

Fellow cyclists heading West, Ben and Ghee.
Gave us some advice for our travels east.

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