Monday, April 3, 2017

c2cDay - 4 Days, 14 Hours, 59 mins.

Tonight we made a delivery to Randy's Mom. We gave her 6 of the 11 supply, drop shipments, which she will be sending out to us over the next 7 weeks. These are the supply shipments we prepackaged with various needed supplies of clothing, energy bars and mixes, bike parts, etc. Previously we shipped two boxes of riding gear to the bike shop in Santa Monica a day after we shipped our bikes. Then, we shipped a third box to Karen's son Nate and a forth box went to Desiree at the San Bernardino YMCA. Now it's Randy's moms turn to ship the boxes. With the exception of one box, the remaining six boxes will be shipped to YMCAs all across our great nation. One to Desiree in San Bernardino, CA, one to Jessica in Flagstaff, AZ, one to Amanda in Albuquerque, NM, one to Lori in Joplin, MO, one to Jody in Harrodsburg, KY, and one to Mark in Salem, VA. THANK YOU YMCA FAMILY !!! With less than two days until we board our flight to CA we finalize all of the finer details. Banks have been notified of our travels, the cat has a new temporary home, the grass will be cut, the house plants will be watered, mail has been stopped, bills have been pre-paid, and finally, our Outlook Out-of-Office Assistance has been set to auto reply while I am away- Sweet!

Final additions prior to delivery

Ready to go at Moms

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