Friday, April 28, 2017

07-04-27 Day 19

Vegas, TX to almost Groom, TX to Amarillo, TX

The morning started out on not such a good note.  Randy had been up all night fighting the sandwich he had for dinner at Rooster's. Apparently the chili peppers wanted to party long after dinner was done. Lack of sleep, belly ache and all the other issues that go with that made for a slow start. Struggling to discover food again at breakfast that would not reappear, he decided that we should forge onward.  The weather was cold with 16 mile an hour cross winds.  Our trip progressed to Amarillo slowly but steadily. After navigating the city, decision was made to continue to Groom, our final destination for the day.

The winds were beginning to be in our favor as we were traveling on rough side roads and occasionally on route 40.  During our final approach a bit of rain and crosswinds appeared as well.  Approximately 10 miles from our destination, Karen was riding the edge of the road and over corrected her retun to the center, with the added cross wind, Karen went down. Unfortunately, taking a pretty hard spill. Randy decided she needed to seek medical attention due to the impact to her helmet.  So, a ride back to Amarillo to be thoroughly examined via ambulance.  After, CT Scan for the head neck and torso, everything was given the thumbs up.  Results of accident, cracked helmet, road rash on right backside, black eye, sore muscles, and bike at shop for some TLC as precaution.

All things considered, we are still blessed to be on this venture.  Life never goes according to plan.  It'seems how you handle plan B.  🙄  

Cadillac Ranch RV Park prior to entering Amarillo 

Our Amarillo map set took us through Historic Route 66


  1. So sorry about Karen. Hope she feels better soon. Looks like your planned rest day came at the right time! I think by the end of this trip you can rename your selves c2planB2gether!! Love your spirit. Keep going! You guys are great!!

  2. OH NO! So sorry to hear about Karen's crash, but very happy to know she will be OK. There's a lot of grit in you two. You are certainly rolling with the punches, and I admire that! Hang in there. In less than a month, you'll be rolling into VA Beach :)

  3. So happy Karen is ok!!! Prayers for continued safety!
