Wednesday, April 19, 2017

17-04-19 Day 11

Chambers, AZ to Gallup, NM

As we mentioned yesterday, for the remainder of this week, we'd like to begin our blog focusing on The Cheryl Kay Foundation. The foundation assists senior citizens in financial need and women facing the difficult challenge fighting breast cancer. Their mission is simple but it is so meaningful to the families and individuals they touch. So please help us, help them, to help others. Visit our Web page at, click on the "Support Us" tab at the top of the page, then click on the donate button.

Prior to our mention yesterday, we had seven donations from our friends and supporters. They are; Matt L., Neida L., Marjorie S., Gina K., Thomas B., Kenneth  J., and Shelly M. Combined these 7 people donated $475.00. THANK YOU!!  This is an great start to our desired goal of approximately $2.00 per mile which totals $6,590.00 based on our planned route. Karen and I are confident you can make this happen. So please spread the word and ask your friends and family to make a donation.

With the shorter mileage planned for today we took advantage of this and slept in until 6 am. Gathering our stuff, preparing our bikes, packing our panniers, having a good breakfast, we headed down the road at 09:00 am. We felt kind of lazy about the morning but it was needed after the long ride yesterday.

Leaving Arizona and entering New Mexico

NEW Mexico greeted us with spectacular scenery. 

So the prevailing wind was once again in our favor as we made our way to Gallup, NM. Yes, New Mexico. We finally made our way across Arizona on into New Mexico. Of course not without a challenge or two. The good news? No flat tires!!! On the down side, because we were primarily on side roads, as opposed to route 40, we crossed numerous cattle grids. If we crossed one of these we crossed 30 or more. Each time we needed to dismount our bikes and walk across the grid. Too slick to risk riding over.

Karen navigating across the cattle grid.

Then, there was the flowing water at a low point in the road. Once again, dismounting was a must. Shoes off, socks off, and bike in hand we each made it across the obstacle. And so we rode on.

Randy wading his way across the water obstacle on our route today.

1 comment:

  1. You two are amazing. You are fulfilling many a person's dream...and making it look so easy. Really enjoying your daily updates. Keep on pedaling. You're doing a really super job!
